The KQDJ Podcast is your direct link to the latest local information from Jamestown and the surrounding area including Blue Jay and Jimmie Sports and Local News and Events.

Catch local sports with Jarin Matheny as he chats with local coaches and players. You can also hear previous game broadcasts and interviews.

Listen to Let’s Talk About It, a community focused show highlighting area events and non-profits in Jamestown and Stutsman County. Let’s Talk About It can be heard every Monday through Friday at 6:30 AM on Jamestown 107.1 FM.

07/08/22 - Searle Swedlund, Buffalo Days

Tourism Executive Director Searle Swedlund talks about Buffalo Days, the annual community celebration that features a golf tournament, pancake breakfast, parade, car show, and many historic site activities July 22, 23, and 24....

07/07/22 - Chuck Keller, Reenactor & Gatling Gun

Chuck Keller has been reenacting for more than 30 years and has become known for his historic Gatling Gun demonstration. Keller will be bringing his Gatling Gun back during Big Guns of the Old West July 15-17...

07/06/22 - Pat Wyman, CEO and Founder Pat Wyman will be presenting two online workshops through the Jamestown Regional Entrepreneur Center (JREC) on July 19th & July 26th to increase your reading speed and information retention. Register today at

07/06/22 - Annie Hancock, SMP Health - Ave Maria

Development Director Annie Hancock shared more information about their Family Fun Night on Thursday, July 7th from 4 PM to 7 PM. The event will feature inflatables for kids, root beer floats, and walking tacos to raise...