The KQDJ Podcast is your direct link to the latest local information from Jamestown and the surrounding area including Blue Jay and Jimmie Sports and Local News and Events.

Catch local sports with Jarin Matheny as he chats with local coaches and players. You can also hear previous game broadcasts and interviews.

Listen to Let’s Talk About It, a community focused show highlighting area events and non-profits in Jamestown and Stutsman County. Let’s Talk About It can be heard every Monday through Friday at 6:30 AM on Jamestown 107.1 FM.

07/11/22 - Monte Rodacker, Midnight Riders MC

Midnight Riders Motorcycle Club will be holding the 9th Annual Ride to Silence the Stigma Sunday, July 17th. The event has raised money for suicide prevention and awareness for the past 8 years. The event will be...

07/11/22 - Denise Jensen, Anne Carlsen Center

Activities Director Denise Jensen talks about Zot Artz as it returns to Jamestown on August 4th. The inclusive arts program features wheelchair attachments and other adaptive art tools for everyone....

07/11/22 - Amy Walters, Jamestown Parks & Rec

Executive Director Amy Walters shares July updates that include JPRD Bingo, softball and baseball games, Gear Grinder event, and Buffalo Days. You can find more information at