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6/15/20 - Amy Walters, Two Rivers Activity Center

TRAC Facilities Manager Amy Walters was back on the show to provide the latest surrounding the center. They are slowly opening up more departments including the pool, lockers, classes, minicamps, and more. Visit for more information....

6/12/20 - Melissa Niemi, Anne Carlsen Center

Melissa Niemi, Therapy Operations Manager at Anne Carlsen Center in Fargo, was on the show to share more about her work in Orofacial Myology. Niemi talked about the different specialties including oromyofunctional therapy, tongue tie identification, feeding...

6/12/20 - Austin & Brandon Kinzler, The Kinzler Bros.

Austin & Brandon Kinzler, better known as The Kinzler Bros., were on the show to talk about their channel and their recent success in magnet fishing. The brothers have found some interesting things in Jamestown water including...

6/11/20 - Megan Mahoney, SARE Grant & Beekeeping

Megan Mahoney with “MaHoney Bees & Queens” was on the show to talk about her beekeeping operation and being 1 of 55 national SARE grants to continue her breeding program. Megan spends half of the year in...

6/11/20 - Jamestown Main Street Traffic Trial

Ben Aaseth with Interstate Engineering & City Engineer Travis Dillman were on the show to talk about the 90-day trial period on main street. The NDDOT project removed stoplights along main street and will look to create...

6/11/20 - Mindi Schmitz, Jamestown Arts Center

Jamestown Arts Center Executive Director Mindi Schmitz was on the show to give the latest information on the Arts Center. They have a new exhibit from a North Dakota artist, adult classes, summer camps for kids, and...

6/10/20 - Steve Reidburn, 1883 Stutsman County Courthouse

Historic 1883 Stutsman County Courthouse Site Supervisor Steve Reidburn joined the show to share the latest regarding their summer schedule. Reidburn says they are open and encourages everyone to see their new exhibit, renovated courtroom, and make...