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Listen to Let’s Talk About It, a community focused show highlighting area events and non-profits in Jamestown and Stutsman County. Let’s Talk About It can be heard every Monday through Friday at 6:30 AM on Jamestown 107.1 FM.

01/26/21 - GHD (Anne Carlsen, JRMC, UJ)

For the next few weeks, we’ll feature different organizations that are participating in Giving Hearts Day on February 11th. Today, we had Kelsey Ost with the Anne Carlsen Center, Lisa Jackson with the JRMC Foundation, and Jim...

01/25/21 - Alicia Harstad, NDSU Extension Service

Alicia Harstad, NDSU Extension Service Agent in Stutsman County, talks about the upcoming Annie’s Project. It’s a six-week program that helps farm women become better business partners in their farm or ranch operation....

01/25/21 - Annie Hancock, Ave Maria Village

Ave Maria Village Development Director Annie Hancock talks about an upcoming grab and go lunch fundraiser on Wednesday, February 10th with proceeds going on to help their capital campaign....