2019 Summer Beef Tour
July 8th and 9th
The Minnesota State Cattlemen’s Association welcomes beef and dairy producers, industry partners and consumers to the 2019 Annual Minnesota State Cattlemen’s Association Summer Beef Tour, hosted by the West Central Cattlemen’s Association.
The 2019 tour, hosted by the West Central Cattlemen’s Association, will be headquartered in Morris, MN.
Save the dates:
- July 8th – MSCA Board Meeting and Annual PAC Cornhole Tournament
- July 9th – Summer Beef Tour
Tour highlights will include:
- Moore Calves: Riverview LLP’s Stevens County Calf Depot. Beef Builder (Beef x Dairy) Starter Farm
- Tegrity Feedlot: Beef Builder cattle to finish weights (Formerly Leonard Wulf & Sons location)
- JMF Herefords and Simangus: Purebred operation hosting on farm bull sale each spring
- Dennis Feuchtenberger: Monoslope slate barn
- Bonanza Bean: Edible bean processor. Cleaning, drying and packaging a variety of edible beans
- Blackwelder Dairy: Robotic milking units and feed pusher
- Bruce Sperr: Covered feedlot system
- Wally Kill: Antique oil memorabilia. Restored gasoline pumps, signage and filling station collectors
Tour Headquarters and trade show location:
- Stevens County Fairgrounds (Lee Community Center Building) – Morris, MN
For more information, please contact:
- Jenny Zeltwanger – 320-287-0796
- Eric Zeltwanger – 320-766-0066
- Scott Johnson – 701-238-2271
- Or email – wccattlemen@gmail.com