The first MANHATTAN SHORT was held in 1998, when 16 short films were shown onto a screen mounted to the side of a truck on Little Italy’s Mulberry Street in New York City, and has blossomed into a worldwide phenomenon.
MANHATTAN SHORT is the only film festival that unfolds simultaneously in the cinemas around the world. Bringing over 100,000 film-lovers across the continents together for one week (extended this year to accommodate social distancing), to view the work of nine fantastic film makers.
Which of the short films is the best? That’s up to the worldwide audience to decide. Cinema -goers across the United States and around the globe will become instant film critics as they are handed a ballot upon entry that allows them to vote for the Best Short Film and Best Actor. The world’s directors and actors anxiously await your decision.
Tickets at the door: $15 / $10 for AC members. You can view the 2020 Manhattan Short trailer at: