An in-person urological JRMC U learning event will help individuals better understand urology care.
Urologist Dr. Brent Williams joined Jamestown Regional Medical Center (JRMC) in 2022. He has two decades of experience in care for the bladders, prostates, kidneys and men’s reproductive system.
At this urological JRMC U, he hopes to answer questions regarding home and surgical treatments, recovery and what happens after surgery.
Urological issues can impact a person’s quality of life. A leaky bladder, for example, can get in the way of work, family and the hobbies we most love.
This JRMC U is set for noon, Wednesday, Nov. 9 at Two Rivers Activity Center (TRAC). The event is free, lunch is provided and guests do not have to be a member of TRAC to attend. Individuals can ask questions, privately, and in advance at