Jamestown EMS Operations Manager Andrew Berkey was on the show to talk about the need for more volunteers to join the ambulance service. Berkey says they're looking for full-time and part-time positions and their first courses begin September 21st.

11/6/19 – Postseason Preview with Sara Hegerle

1/23/20 – Don Wegner & Shar Trevithick, Polar Pig
Don Wegner, organizer of the Polar Pig Walk the Plank event and RN Shar Trevithick with the JRMC Home Health & Hospice Program, were on the show to promote the upcoming event on February 1st. The event...

10/13/22 – Emily Bivens, Jamestown Chamber of Commerce
Executive Director Emily Bivens shares information on the latest Chamber happenings in Jamestown. For more information, visit jamestownchamber.com...