03/21/22 – Jamestown United Way Easter Egg Hunt
The Jamestown United Way has again teamed up with the Easter Bunny for the 3rd Annual Easter Egg Hunt You Wake Up To this April. Karla Bachmeier and Becky Kercher talk about how you can sign up...

08/13/21 – Kim Nagel, Author & Business Advisor
Business Advisor, Author, and Keynote Speaker Kim Nagel will be in Jamestown on August 31st to present her book “The DAMN Plan: How to Find Freedom, Love, and Money In Your Business.” Register for the free event...

9/14/20 – On Deck W/Ace – Brian Mistro
Jimmies football coach Brian Mistro talks about the hectic last couple of weeks, shares his excitement on his team’s growth and we talk a little NFL football...