University of Jamestown Nursing Department Chair Kim Ash was on the show to talk about the nursing department. Ash talks about the SIM Lab, curriculum, in-community experience, and worldwide efforts that nursing students partake in while enrolled in the program.

12/09/19 – Courtney Montgomery, Anne Carlsen Center
Courtney Montgomery, Early Interventionist for the Anne Carlsen Center, was on the show to talk about their early intervention program in homes. For almost 10 years, the center has been providing children ages 0 to 3 the...

7/16/20 – Emily Bivens, Chamber Executive Director
Jamestown Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Emily Bivens was on to talk about the Give, Get, Grow campaign currently underway. The campaign looks to bolster businesses that may have been affected by the pandemic. Visit for...

12/15/21 – Local Sports Report