Tara Kapp with RM Stoudt was on to talk about the 12th Annual Running of the Pink on June 1st. The large fundraiser has collected thousands of dollars to benefit the No Excuses program.

August 14th, 2019 – Mindi Schmitz
Jamestown Arts Center Executive Director Mindi Schmitz was back on the show to talk about the final few Downtown Arts Market, Arts After School, their new exhibit and more....

May 15th, 2019 – Rebecca Undem
National speaker Rebecca Undem was on the show to talk about her platform and her big event in Jamestown May 16th....

October 3rd, 2019 – Tamara Rau & Steve English
Tamara Rau & Steve English with Medina EMS were on the show to express their need for volunteers. With an aging staff and some contemplating retirement, there is a need for more people to step up and...