Mike Gee & Chris Dodson both founded the Jamestown Kite Festival 24 years ago. On June 7th through the 9th, the nationally know kite festival returns to Jamestown at Meidinger Park. Kites of all sizes will be in the sky. There will be kite building, kites for sale, and Team 180 Go returns.

May 15th, 2019 – Rebecca Undem
National speaker Rebecca Undem was on the show to talk about her platform and her big event in Jamestown May 16th....

September 13th, 2019 – Major Judy Lowder
Major Judy Lowder is the newest member of the Jamestown Salvation Army. She was on the show to introduce herself as well as talked about the different things the Salvation Army works on in the Stutsman County...

June 5th, 2019 – Matt Helm
Matt Helm, Board Member and Teamster for the Fort Seward Wagon Train, was on the show to talk about the 50th Annual Fort Seward Wagon Train. Since 1969, the group has ventured out for one week in...