Two Rivers Activity Center (TRAC) Facilities Manager Amy Walters joined the show to talk about their fundraising 5K that will help provide scholarships to those who may not be able to afford a membership. She also told us more about their swim lessons and summer programming.

August 2nd, 2019 – Bev Dawson
Buffalo Mall Executive Director Bev Dawson was on the show to talk about their annual Stuff the Bus program. People are encouraged to donate school supplies through August 17th that will then be given to Community Action...

September 9th, 2019 – Andrew Berkey
Jamestown EMS Operations Manager Andrew Berkey was on the show to talk about the need for more volunteers to join the ambulance service. Berkey says they’re looking for full-time and part-time positions and their first courses begin...

July 5th, 2019 – Emily Bivens
Jamestown Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Emily Bivens was back on the show to promote their ribbon cuttings, Business After Hours, and the upcoming Buffalo City Days at the end of the month....