Jennifer Bollingberg with Schauer & Associates was on the show to talk about free Quickbooks Training;s that are being held through the Jamestown Regional Entrepreneur Center in Jamestown. The training's are set for June 27th, July 10th, and July 16th. You're asked to pre-register at

May 6th, 2019 – Marissa Leese & Lauren Burningham
Jamestown Regional Medical Center Audiologist Marissa Leese, Speech Pathologist Lauren Burningham, and Marketing Manager Katie Ryan-Anderson joined the show to discuss their free screenings....

May 20th, 2019 – Robin Barnes
Robin Barnes, NDSU Extension Service Agent and 4-H Coordinator for Stutsman County, was on the show to talk about the Multi-Animal Showmanship Clinic on May 29th....

June 4th, 2019 – Mindi Schmitz
Jamestown Arts Center Executive Director Mindi Schmitz was on to talk about the first day of the Jamestown Downtown Arts Market on June 6th. We also talked about camps, volunteering and more....