Active Arts Club members Pat Moore and Laurie Heyenga introduce "Mark Twain on Humor with George Frein as Mark Twain." An event that provides a different angle on the teachings of Mark Twain. The event is at 7:00 at Hockenberry Park in Oakes on July 18th.

11/1/19 – KDDR Morning News
A new tool to predict flooding in ND, cattle killed in a semi rollover near Hazelton and a drug bust in Carrington on KDDR News....

3/26/20 – KDDR AM News
KDDR News: Updated COVID-19 cases from Wed., MN to go into “Stay at Home” and BEK ramping up its services...

4/8/20 – KDDR AM News
NEWS: Latest ND COVID-19 #’s, Oakes Public Schools looking for Hall of Fame nominations and big horn sheep population up in ND...