Lynette Stoddart, Lena Marquez & Tiffany Dooly were all on the show to promote the first ever PONDANZA in the Park. The event is a fundraiser for the Stutsman County United Way and will feature an hour of POUND, Zumba, and Yoga, Participants can do one or all three. Cost per session is $10 or $25 for all. The event will be July 20th at McElroy Park in Jamestown.

August 22nd, 2019 – Christina Rittenbach
NDSU Extension Service Stutsman County Agent Christina Rittenbach was on the show to talk about their upcoming canning courses. Three courses on three different nights will focus on different aspects of canning, facts & myths, and more....

August 16th, 2019 – Amy Walters
Two Rivers Activity Center (TRAC) Facilities Manager Amy Walters was back on the show to talk about the change to regular hours, Learning Center open house, new Bike Fleet, and big event planned for September 7th....

September 6th, 2019 – David Klein
David Klein with the Great Plains Housing Authority was on the show to talk about their upcoming Vital Services Conference 2019 September 17th-19th. The event will be an opportunity for people to learn more about the different...