Amy Walters with TRAC and Tami Dillman with Central Valley Health were on the show to promote the upcoming Walk/Bike 2019 in Jamestown September 7th. The free event is inviting everyone to walk a pop-up biking and walking path and gauge community input on a possible permanent path in the NE part of Jamestown. The event runs from 9 AM to 12 PM.

August 8th, 2019 – Ken Gardner
Jamestown Trails Manager Ken Gardner was on the show to talk about the upcoming Pipestem Creek Trail Run August 17th and Mountain Bike Race August 18th. Gardner says each event is open to anyone and features different...

July 8th, 2019 – Monte Rodacker
Monte Rodacker with the Midnight Riders Motorcycle Club in Jud was on the show to talk about the 6th Annual Ride to Silence the Stigma. The ride on Sunday, July 21st will raise funds for suicide prevention....

June 17th, 2019 – JHS Theatre Presents “Little Women”
Theater Director Mike McIntyre, Jamestown High School Graduate Alivia Hoke, and Junior Westin Walker talked about their upcoming performance of “Little Women” on June 27th & 28th. The Broadway musical is based off the popular novel written...