Dusin Leingang with High Point Networks joined the show to talk about an upcoming Cyber Security course being held September 19th through the Jamestown Regional Entrepreneur Center. The free session will cover different cyber security topics and the best practices to combat cyber attacks.

July 1st, 2019 – Annie Hancock
Ave Maria Village Development Director Annie Hancock was on the show to talk about their numerous fundraisers coming up in July and August. These events are raising money for their ongoing capital campaign to upgrade the center...

September 18th, 2019 – Tanea Clocksene
Tanea Clocksene was on the show to talk about the Sunday, September 22nd Community Music Fest at Atonement Lutheran Church. The event will feature local music, food, games, fellowship, and more. The fundraising event will help Atonement...

August 8th, 2019 – Ken Gardner
Jamestown Trails Manager Ken Gardner was on the show to talk about the upcoming Pipestem Creek Trail Run August 17th and Mountain Bike Race August 18th. Gardner says each event is open to anyone and features different...