NDSU Extension Service Stutsman County Agent Christina Rittenbach was on the show to talk about their upcoming canning courses. Three courses on three different nights will focus on different aspects of canning, facts & myths, and more.

2/9/23 – JRMC U: Pelvic Floor It

September 11th, 2019 – Mackenzie Tadych
Mackenzie Tadych, Online Program Manager for the University of Jamestown, was on the show to talk about their new online programs and courses. She says the courses are geared towards anyone looking to further their education on...

June 11th, 2019 – Mackenzie Johnson
Mackenzie Johnson is with SkillsUSA Jamestown. The team is set to compete at nationals this June and are in need of funds to alleviate travel expenses. “GOT Skills” will be held at TRAC in Jamestown on June...