Two Rivers Activity Center (TRAC) Facilities Manager Amy Walters was back on the show to talk about the change to regular hours, Learning Center open house, new Bike Fleet, and big event planned for September 7th.

May 20th, 2019 – Dr. Polly Peterson & McKenzy Olson
University of Jamestown President Dr. Polly Peterson and VP of Marketing & Communications at EPIC Companies McKenzy Olson, were both on the show to talk about the newly announced UJ Place that will be built by Fall...

September 6th, 2019 – Gary Sahr
James River Humane Society Board President Gary Sahr was on the show to talk about the many reasons you should consider adopting a pet from a humane society. Gary also highlighted their shelter pet of the month,...

10-26-23 Let’s Talk About It – Jamestown Chamber