Jimmies men's golf results, Jimmies football & volleyball announces rescheduled dates, and the NFL returns tonight!

6/11/20 – Mindi Schmitz, Jamestown Arts Center
Jamestown Arts Center Executive Director Mindi Schmitz was on the show to give the latest information on the Arts Center. They have a new exhibit from a North Dakota artist, adult classes, summer camps for kids, and...

4-30-24 Let’s Talk About It – Kiwanis Pancake Day
A look ahead to Jamestown’s annual Kiwanis Pancake Day...

October 3rd, 2019 – Tamara Rau & Steve English
Tamara Rau & Steve English with Medina EMS were on the show to express their need for volunteers. With an aging staff and some contemplating retirement, there is a need for more people to step up and...