Jamestown Arts Center Executive Director Mindi Schmitz was on the show to promote their continuing Downtown Arts Market, upcoming Arts After School, and adult and family art classes this fall. Visit jamestownarts.com for more information.

02/11/23 – UJ MBB vs Briar Cliff

Jimmie Spotlight #2
Today the Jimmie Spotlight is happy to interview three starting players from Coach Hager’s baseball team. Matt Meraz, a senior outfielder from Aurora, Colorado. Jared Bentley a senior 2nd baseman from Washougal, Washington. And Grant Okawa the...

01/13/21 – Ian Carlstrom, Cash Resolutions for New Year
The Small Business Development Center, Jamestown Regional Entrepreneur Center, and North Dakota Women’s Business Center have teamed up for a week of seminars from experts on lending and more. Visit JRECenter.com for more details and how to...