Cars, trucks, tractors, and more will line main street in Litchville for the 15th Annual Car Show on July 18th. Shelly Thoreson says they'll have door prizes, BBQ, and more during the annual event. Find Litchville Car Show on Facebook for more information.

October 8th, 2019 – Slang Terms No One Uses Anymore
Kali & Warren talked about retired and no longer used slang terms. Are there any you would like to have come back? Like rapscallion or gadzooks?...

07/06/21 – YPJ Cornhole Tournament
Young Professionals of Jamestown will be hosting a cornhole tournament during Buffalo Days on July 24th. Hear from Briana Bohn and John Tompkins as they share more information. Get signed up at

September 17th, 2019 – Warren News Update