Sports: UJ announces athletics hall of fame inductees for 2020 and results from Saturday night at Jamestown Speedway

11/15/21 – Amy Nuestel, Community Thanksgiving
Amy Nuestel talks about the Concordia Lutheran Church Community Thanksgiving from 11 AM to 1 PM in Jamestown November 25th. Upwards of 700 meals can be distributed, both drive-thru and delivery. Volunteers are also needed....

01/27/22 – Joe Rector, James River Valley Library System
JRVLS Director Joe Rector talks about their ongoing community efforts, public input meeting February 17th, Friends of the Library and more in our January update. Visit for more information....

06/28/21 – Local News Update
Chalk Art Fills the Jamestown Streets & Sidewalks, JRVLS Plans Little Libraries Across Stutsman County...