9/1/20 – Sean Johnson, Jamestown Rotary Club
Jamestown Rotary Club President Sean Johnson was on the show to share more information about the club, what they do, and how they fulfill their mission of “Service Above Self.” Hear more about the organization and how...

08/12/21 – Amy Walters, Two Rivers Activity Center
Two Rivers Activity Center (TRAC) Facilities Manager Amy Walters was on to talk about their upcoming hour changes, pool maintenance, staffing needs, swim lessons, programming, pre-school enrollment, and more. Visit tracjamestown.com for more information....

12/06/21 – Major Judy Lowder, Salvation Army
Jamestown Salvation Army Major Judy Lowder talks about the Red Kettle Campaign, Angel Tree program, and their services in Stutsman County. To sign up, visit registertoring.com or call Major Lowder at 701-269-3930....