Jimmies basketball recap at Presentation & the Minnesota Twins lose a piece of their bullpen

Interview With Mark Ukestad About the 2023 Jamestown High School Hall of Fame
Jayden sat down with Mark Ukestad who handles the media for the committee overseeing the Jamestown High School Hall of Fame. We discussed who is being inducted, why and how they got chosen, and when you can...

September 13th, 2019 – Jamestown vs. Dickinson Football
Jamestown scores a 22-21 win over Dickinson in Class AAA Football Friday night at Ernie Gates Field...

4/1/20 – Shannon Kaiser, Central Valley Health
Shannon Kaiser, Central Valley Health Director of Health Promotions, joined the show for their update on the latest regarding COVID-19 in Stutsman County. Kaiser talks about staying vigilant, contact journaling, and where to get the latest information....