07/12/21 – Steve Reidburn, Historic 1883 Courthouse
Historic 1883 Stutsman County Courthouse Site Supervisor Steve Reidburn was on the show to talk about their upcoming Concert on the Lawn July 24th at 1 PM. He says they’ll also hold a commissioner chat and their...
12/10/20 – Trisha Jungels & Katie Ryan-Anderson, JRMC
When the pandemic hit Jamestown, care never stopped at the Jamestown Regional Medical Center. On today’s show, Chief Nursing Officer Trisha Jungels and Marketing Manager Katie Ryan-Anderson talked about the importance of continued care in the community....
04/23/21 – Roger Caine, Jamestown Choralaires Concert
Hear from Jamestown Choralaires member Roger Caine as he talks about an upcoming concert they have planned May 2nd at Temple Baptist Church at 2 PM....