In our December update, JRVLS Director Joe Rector talks about ways the library is giving back to the community, current upgrades and renovations, and ways to participate in new programming. Visit for more information.

12/16/20 – Amy Walters, TRAC Facilities Manager
Two Rivers Activity Center Facilities Manager Amy Walters was on for the final time in 2020 to give the latest updates regarding TRAC, the Splash Park, and future items. Visit for more information....

11/16/20 – Tara Kapp, Baskets, Bags & Bubbly 2020
Tara Kapp, Emcee for the Baskets, Bags, and Bubbly event, was on the show to talk about the 15th annual event and their move to a virtual platform for 2020. “Divas” all over are welcome to join...

11/08/19 – Amy Walters, TRAC Updates
Amy Walters, Two Rivers Activity Center (TRAC) Facilities Manager, was back on the show for her monthly TRAC update. Hear more about the different fitness classes, pool events, and tournaments to raise money for their scholarships....