Jamestown Tourism Executive Director Searle Swedlund talks about the success of their October 31st event and the reimaging of Frontier Village with a planned survey. Visit discoverjamestownnd.com for more information.

07/19/22 – Karen George, Frontier Village Stagecoach
Since 2003, Karen George has operated the stagecoach and pony rides at the Frontier Village. On August 14th, they’ll host a pitchfork fondue to raise money for winterization, insurance, shoeing the horses, and more....

05/04/22 – Local News Update
Kindergarten Registrations Increase, Decision Pending; Stutsman County Approves to Advertise for ANR Agent...

10/06/21 – Cassie DuBray, Washington School Soup Fundraiser
Washington Elementary School PTO member Cassie DuBray talks about their 2nd Annual Drive-thru Soup Fundraiser on October 15th. Get tickets beforehand and select the soup of your choice with proceeds helping fund new playground equipment....