Jamestown Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Emily Bivens was on the show to promote their Chamber Bucks. Bivens explains that Chamber Bucks can be purchased year round and are a great way to keep dollars local. More than 300 businesses accept Chamber Bucks.

01/28/22 – Local Sports Report

09/27/22 – Bob Toso, Lutefisk & Meatball Supper
Bob Toso with Trinity Lutheran Church shares more information about their 54th Lutefisk & Meatball Supper on Wednesday, Oct. 5....

05/06/21 – Christina Rittenbach, NDSU Extension Events
Hear from NDSU Extension Agent Christina Rittenbach as she shares the latest information on their Nourish Your Body & Mind series, summer meal program, babysitting courses, cooking classes, and more. Visit ag.ndsu.edu for more information....