Every month, Jay Nitchke with the James River Humane Society joins the show to provide the latest on all the animals, fundraisers, and events they have. This month, Nitchke thanked all the dealerships and public for all their donations and highlighted some dogs that are available for adoption.

9/14/20 – On Deck W/Ace – Brian Mistro
Jimmies football coach Brian Mistro talks about the hectic last couple of weeks, shares his excitement on his team’s growth and we talk a little NFL football...

08/05/21 – Local News Update
Concert Planned to Fulfill Dying Woman’s Wish, Stutsman County Museum Plans Ice Cream Social...

06/30/21 – Golf “FORE” Angels July 31st
Hear from JRMC’s Lisa Jackson & Katie Ryan-Anderson as we talk about the upcoming Golf “FORE” Angels event. The tournament raises money for families experiencing infant loss. Sign up at jrmcnd.com....