11/24/21 – Emily Bivens, Jamestown Chamber of Commerce
Jamestown Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Emily Bivens talks about the Loyal to Local Passport Program, Workforce Committee workshop, Business of the Month, Customer Service, and Ribbon Cuttings. For more, visit jamestownchamber.com....
2/17/20 – Wade Senger, Jamestown Knights of Columbus
Wade Senger with the Jamestown Knights of Columbus was on the show to talk about their big food drive going through February 23rd. The event is raising non-perishable food and monetary donations that will stay local and...
6/22/20 – Tom Simpson, Amateur Radio Field Day
Jamestown HAM Radio enthusiasts will be participating in the National Amateur Radio Field Day June 27th & 28th at Joos Grove. Jamestown Amateur Radio Club Vice President Tom Simpson says they’ll invite everyone to come see how...