3/19/20 – Searle Swedlund, Community Survey
Jamestown Tourism Executive Director Searle Swedlund was on the show to talk about an ongoing community survey. If you’re interested in taking the survey, click here....
5/12/20 – James Dixon, Pipestem Dam Manager
Pipestem Dam Manager James Dixon was on the show to talk about the high elevation at the reservoir, the indefinitely postponed inspection, the opportunity for outdoor recreation, and a fishing hot spot at the reservoir....
02/25/22 – Lindsey Vogel, YPJ March Meltdown Tournament
Lindsey Vogel with the Young Professionals of Jamestown (YPJ) talks about the return of the March Meltdown tournament on March 5th & 6th. Co-ed, men’s, and women’s teams are currently being accepted. Visit jamestownchamber.com for more information...