Jamestown Rotary Club President Sean Johnson was on for his monthly update. For October, Jamestown Rotary has several service events planned. They're also seeking new members. The Rotary Club meets Tuesdays at Noon at the Quality Inn & Suites.

08/29/22 – Penny Steckler, Fuel It Forward
Penny Steckler with Bank Forward Jamestown talked about a fundraiser called “Fuel It Forward” that is taking donations to be used to purchase gas cards and transit passes for those who need it in the community. Donations...

03/05/22 – State Qualifier: GBB – Jamestown vs. Bismarck High

02/08/22 – Local News Update
Mayor Skewers Media Company on Sexual Assault Allegations Report, JPSD Dealing With Transportation Concerns, Substitute Shortages...