Cathleen O'Higgins with the Stutsman County Wildlife Federation talks about a big drive-thru pancake feed to raise money for their club and different causes on Saturday, October 9th.

6/18/20 – Robin Barnes, Stutsman County 4-H
Stutsman County 4-H Coordinator Robin Barnes was on the show to talk about the great support they’ve been receiving and provided updates on their contests and online bidding for the premiums on livestock this July....

12/13/21 – Bill Sorensen, Magical Medora Christmas
Bill Sorensen has been a long-time host and entertainer with the Medora Musical. On our show, he talks about the current Magical Medora Christmas, which will be in Jamestown on Wednesday, December 15th....

11/17/21 – Local News Update
Man Killed in Collision North of Jamestown Tuesday, Marina Building Concessionaire Details Discussed Tuesday...