6/16/20 – Dave Schmidt, Dakota Anglers
The Dakota Anglers have several events this summer including the Little Britches Fishing Tourney June 20th, Fish Fry Tournament July 11th, and Steak Fry Tournament August 8th. Hear more from Dakota Anglers member Dave Schmidt on these...
11/25/20 – Local News Update
Jamestown Welcomes First Ever City Owned Ladder Truck, Bell Ringing Volunteering Falls Short for Jamestown Salvation Army...
02/21/20 – Larry Eslick – Jamestown Wrestling
We talk with Larry Eslick, head wrestling coach for the Jamestown Blue Jays after they defeated Bismarck Century f36-27 or third place at the State Dual Tournament. It was the first time since 2003 that Jamestown reached...