01/27/21 – Travis Lemieux, JRFD Fishing Derby
The 13th annual Jamestown Rural Fire Department Fishing Derby returns February 20th. Travis Lemieux says they’ll hold the derby that day with the raffle tickets being drawn virtually that evening. Visit jrfd.org for more information....

10/28/20 – Kayla Trzpuc, United Way Drive-thru Event
Kayla Trzpuc with Jamestown United Way was on the show to talk about their upcoming Drive-thru Trick-or-Treat event at McElroy Park on Friday, October 30th beginning at 5:30 PM. Trzpuc also talked about the current campaign and...

02/18/21 – Joe Rector, JRVLS Director
James River Valley Library System Director Joe Rector talks about the latest including Stutsman County Library renovations, seed library, new books, and more....