Committee Approves Joint Powers Agreement for Park Bridges, Civic Center Preparing for Possible Change to ND Athletics

8/18/20 – Jamestown Sports Update
Jays Golf Coach Tracy Gustafson recaps the Jamestown Invite., preview of tonight’s JHS schedule and Nelson Cruz blasts a pair of homers in Twins win...

08/22/22 – Steve Reidburn, Stutsman County Courthouse
Historic Courthouse Site Supervisor Steve Reidburn talks about a presentation with former Ag Commissioner Sarah Vogel on Sunday, Aug. 28 at the 1883 Stutsman County Courthouse. He also talks about their escape room and end of summer....

05/04/21 – Dr. Tommy Erickson, High Blood Pressure
Hear from Sanford Health Dr. Tommy Erickson as we chat about high blood pressure, who it affects, and how to address it....