Rachel Jennings is the Health Equity Coordinator for Central Valley Health. Our monthly talk centered on being more inclusive of race, gender, disability, mental illness, and more and steps we can take to be more inclusive in our own community.

4/3/20 – Kayla Trzpuc, Jamestown United Way
Kayla Trzpuc with Jamestown United Way was on the show to talk about their upcoming Easter Egg Hunt. The unique, fundraising egg hunt will have members of United Way pack and then hide eggs on participants property...

04/26/22 – Local News Update
Historic Courthouse Elevator Project Underway, Valley City Flood Meeting Updates...

01/21/20 – Emily Bivens, Chamber of Commerce
In the latest Jamestown Chamber Update, Executive Director Emily Bivens talks about the latest awards, ribbon cuttings, Home & Garden Show, and the upcoming 90th Annual Banquet, which will be virtual this year. Visit jamestownchamber.com for further...