Lindsey Cramer talks about their 2nd annual Best Dam Mudder event on August 6. The event brings a fun run/walk through some obstacles at the Jamestown Reservoir and encourages participants to get active. Find more on the I Will Fitness Facebook page.

7/9/20 – Jamestown Sports Update
Hear from UJ Men’s Soccer Head Coach Tommy Nienhuas on incoming freshman Ben Sletto, an update on Jamestown native Austin Rene in the Dakota Tour and hear from Twins outfielder Byron Buxton...

1/21/21 – Wrestling, Jamestown vs. Bismarck St. Mary’s

2/20/20 – Alexandru Lefter, UJ Foreign Language
Alexandru Lefter is a professor at the University of Jamestown with an M.A. in Hispanic Languages in Literatures. On the show, we talked more about what foreign language classes the University of Jamestown has to offer as...