06/14/22 – Johnny Jerome, Kickball-A-Palooza
Johnny Jerome with the Jamestown Optimist Club talked about their upcoming Kickball-A-Palooza on June 25th at the Hillcrest Baseball Diamonds. The fundraiser will include games of kickball, food, costumes, and a foam party after....
06/25/21 – Dr. Shyla Schauer, Naturopathic Medicine
Dr. Shyla Schauer was on to talk about her new practice in Naturopathic Medicine. For more information, visit https://schauernd.com/...
09/20/21 – Dr. Tommy Erickson, Eczema
In this month’s health talk with Sanford Health’s Dr. Tommy Erickson, we cover the common skin rash eczema and ways to help prevent or alleviate it....