Parks & Rec Executive Director Amy Walters shares information on their recent rebrand, summer opportunities, events, facilities, survey, and more. Visit for more information.

07/01/21 – Chrissy Kartes, Sweet N’ Stickey in Dickey
Going into its 12th year, the Sweet N’ Stickey in Dickey Rib Cookoff has raised thousands of dollars for Hospice of the Red River Valley. The event is open to all to come try over 30 different...

7/28/20 – Annie Hancock, Ave Maria Village
The 6th Annual Ave Maria Village Family & Friends Fun Walk is going virtual. Between August 10th and the 28th, participants can walk or run wherever they are at a cost of $10 per person. Funds raised...

09/29/22 – Joe Rector, James River Valley Library System
Director Joe Rector shares more about their Library of Things, Bookmobile routes in the city and county, programming, and new services such as their Cricut machine and 3D Printer coming soon. Visit for more information....