Hear from Avery Foerderer as he talks about the next Exotic Animal Sale on May 16th in Jamestown. The sale features exotic animals and more for buyers and the public to see. For more, like the James River Exotic Animal Sale Facebook page.

02/12/21 – Local Sports Report
Blue Jays hockey picks up a 3-1 win, gymnastics wins tri-meet, boy’s basketball falls to #2 Minot....

October 23rd, 2019 – Eating Like A Kid
If you could eat like a kid for an entire day, with no concerns on weight gain or anything else, what would your day of eating look like? Join Kali & Warren in the discussion and add...

12/04/20 – Local News Update
Stutsman County Extension Continues Virtual Wellness Program, CHI Stressing Routine Care Importance...