Hear from CVHD Unit Administrator Robin Iszler and Director of Health Promotions Shannon Klatt as they clear up misinformation surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine as well as the continued efforts to stop the spread. Visit centralvalleyhealth.org for more information.

4/15/20 – Myra Klein, Arts At Home
Myra Klein has instructed art classes since 2006 and has found a way to continue providing art courses for free at home. Arts with Miss Myra is a daily, Monday through Friday video that she does with...

12/12/19 – Mindi Schmitz, Jamestown Arts Center
Jamestown Arts Center Executive Director Mindi Schmitz was on to talk about their new gallery, classes, new Education Coordinator, and their upcoming large fundraisers in 2020....

October 21st, 2019 – Jamestown Flooding Town Hall
A town hall, open forum was held in Jamestown on Monday, October 21st to hear from area farmers, ranchers, producers, and residents on the current status of flooding in the Jamestown, Stutsman County and surrounding region....