Debbie Alber with AAUW Jamestown talks about an upcoming workshop for women designed to encourage better pay negotiation skills. Their hope is to continue closing the pay gap for women in North Dakota and nationwide.

03/21/22 – Jamestown United Way Easter Egg Hunt
The Jamestown United Way has again teamed up with the Easter Bunny for the 3rd Annual Easter Egg Hunt You Wake Up To this April. Karla Bachmeier and Becky Kercher talk about how you can sign up...

12/05/22 – Local News Update

10/25/19 – Jacob Just – Trick-or-Can
University of Jamestown Student Senate Member Jacob Just was on the show to talk about the annual Trick-Or-Can event on October 29th. Students, athletes, organizations and others will be going door to door in Jamestown to collect...