October 1st, 2019 – Gray Hair, Don’t Care
On the Morning Rally today, Warren brought up his gray hair. He says it gets pointed out a lot to him, but doesn’t bug him. He’s still young at 29, but should he dye his hair so...

October 7th, 2019 – Whitney Trautman
Anne Carlsen Center Physical Therapist Whitney Trautman was on the show to talk about Physical Therapy Month and month long celebration during October. Physical Therapists work in homes, businesses, schools, and more to provide needed support to...

02/17/22 – Emily Bivens, Jamestown Chamber of Commerce
Executive Director Emily Bivens discusses their recent Business of the Month and Customer Service recipients, YPJ’s March Meltdown Volleyball Tourney, and the upcoming Home & Garden Show in April. Visit jamestownchamber.com for more information...