Hear from Jamestown United Way Member Kayla Trzpuc on the return of their annual Easter Egg Hunt You Wake Up To. You can register to have Easter eggs hidden in your yard through Friday, March 26th.

07/26/22 – Lindsey Cramer, Best Dam Mudder Event
Lindsey Cramer talks about their 2nd annual Best Dam Mudder event on August 6. The event brings a fun run/walk through some obstacles at the Jamestown Reservoir and encourages participants to get active. Find more on the...

05/27/22 – Local Sports Report

8/19/20 – Steve Reidburn, Historic Courthouse
Historic 1883 Stutsman County Courthouse Site Supervisor Steve Reidburn was on the show to talk about one final event this summer. State Poet Laureate Larry Woiwode will be reading some poetry on Sunday, August 23rd at 2...