06/10/21 – Emily Bivens, Jamestown Chamber of Commerce
Jamestown Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Emily Bivens was on for our latest update. Hear about ribbon cuttings, Cash Mobs, and more. Visit jamestownchamber.com for more information....
8/11/20 – Conan Hirsch, Victory Lutheran Bible School
Conan Hirsch, Director of Worship and Youth Ministries at Victory Lutheran Church, was on the show to talk more about Vacation Bible School. The program will begin Sunday, August 16th and run through Thursday from 6:30 PM...
1/29/20 – Greg Ulland & Jodi Grugel, University of Jamestown
Greg Ulland, VP of Enrollment Management, and Jodi Grugel, Director of Admissions, both at the University of Jamestown, were on the show to talk more about the recruiting and admissions process. Students considering colleges have a tough...