Kari Newman Ness named Citizen of the Year 2020, "Pop Cars" Explores Art Behind The Wheel

01/19/22 – Joe Burgard & Craig Beedy, EZ Wheels Shrine Club
EZ Wheels Shrine Club members Joe Burgard and Craig Beedy talk about recent donations the club made and upcoming fundraisers including their Cornhole Tournament in March and Truck Drop starting soon. Like the EZ Wheels Shrine Club...

2/12/20 – GBB: Blue Jays 63, Watford City 57.

9/17/20 – Janna Kontz, Grief During A Pandemic
Janna Kontz, Grief Specialist with Hospice of the Red River Valley, was on the show to talk more about an online grief class on September 24th to discuss Grief in a Pandemic. Visit hrrv.org for more information...