Jamestown Parks & Recreation Director Amy Walters talks about winter activities, Cabin Fever Days, TRAC staff changes, and employment. Visit jamestownparksandrec.com for more information.

10/28/19 – Postgame with Brian Mistro

09/02/21 – Aaron Boerboom, Roughrider Rodeo Finals
The best of the best will compete at the Roughrider Rodeo Finals this weekend in Jamestown. Announcer Aaron Boerboom talks about what you can expect this weekend with the event at the Stutsman County Fairgrounds through the...

05/07/21 – Jay Nitschke, James River Humane Society
James River Humane Society Board Member Jay Nitschke was on and shared a puppy story that recently took place. She says they also continue to operate by appointments only. Visit jamesriverhumanesociety.org for more information....